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The 2025 Chippewa Valley Century Ride will start and finish at the Northern Wisconsin State Fairgrounds (225 Edward St, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729)


From the South on I-94 (Chicago/Milwaukee)
Take I-94 West to Eau Claire, exit 70 (first Eau Claire exit) Highway 53 North
Go North 12 miles to Highway 124 North
Follow Highway 124 through Chippewa Falls
Past Leinenkugel's up the hill, Northern Wisconsin State Fair Grounds will be the next right.


From West on I-94 (Twin Cities)
Take I-94 East to Chippewa Falls exit 52 - Highway 29 East
Follow Highway 29 East 20 miles into Chippewa Falls
Take exit 79 (Business 29) Travel approximately 4 miles into Chippewa Falls
Follow Highway 124 North signs through Chippewa Falls
Past Leinenkugel's up the hill, Northern Wisconsin State Fair Grounds will be the next right. 


From the East on Highway 29 (Wausau)
Take exit 79 (Seymour Cray Blvd.), turn right onto Business 29 and follow signs to Downtown and Highway 124 North
Continue traveling on Highway 124 North through Chippewa Falls
Past Leinenkugel's up the hill, Northern Wisconsin State Fair Grounds will be the next right.

From the North on Highway 53 (Superior)
Take exit 99 off of Highway 53 North (County Highway S), turn left (East) at the bottom of the exit
Travel 2 miles to the roundabout intersection at Highway 124, take Highway 124 South
Travel 2 miles, Northern Wisconsin State Fair Grounds will be on your left

Please follow signs for parking and registration.

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